香芹 Parsley 种植

香芹 Parsley 种植
香芹 Parsley 种植

从市场Rm10.99买了一盆香芹 (Parsley),想试试如种植效果,要是好的话以后就可摘来吃,不用买了。


  • Functions: extract as refined oil, have a whitening effect,leaves can be mixed with salad,also for making spicy sauce. can help in lower blood pressure, calming effect,good for stomach, eliminate bad breath,aid digestion,anti-cancer and others effects.
  • Watering: prefer cool and wet condition, need to water frequently.
  • Sunlight: direct or partial sunlight explosure.

  • 功能:可体练精油,具美白效果。叶子可拌沙拉,也可作辛调料。有降血压,安定情绪,健胃,除口臭,助消化,抗癌等功效。
  • 浇水:喜欢冷凉湿润 ,勤浇水。
  • 日照:全日照或半日照。


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